Mining Your Corporate Talent: The Very Cost-Effective Benefits of a Corporate Mentor Program
Smart HR professionals know that internal mentor programs are good for the company’s bottom line. With turnover costs for managers averaging 150% to 200% of salary, it is better to keep talented and dedicated staff than to seek out new recruits. Better yet to train and groom them to ascend to higher levels of responsibility within the organization. Corporate mentor programs bridge the gap between younger, entry-level executives and managers and experienced mid and high level executives. For the protégés, having a mentor can provide a better understanding of the business and company goals, an increased network of internal contacts and a sharper focus on career development within the organization. Mentors participating in such programs learn to hone their listening skills and report enhanced management and leadership capability. It’s a win-win-win for the protégé, the mentor and the corporation.
Team-Building Using DiSC
Used by over 50 million people in 50 languages, the DiSC workstyles assessment offers an easy-to-understand tool to learning about your leadership style. This highly interactive workshop provides participants the keys to improving communication and enhancing a team's performance.
Impactful Introverted Leaders
For the best decisions to be made, all voices need to be heard. With 40% of people being introverts, this seminar looks at current research on introverts, stresses the importance of speaking up and offers participants ways to manage the uncomfortable glare of the spotlight.